
One Year Blog Anniversary!

Thank you, everyone who has followed this blog. After one year of writing posts, hearing comments from subscribers, and continuing to hone ideas around innovation and marketing, I continue to be excited about working in the "blogosphere". After learning so much about blogs and blogging in the last year, I finally feel ready to be a beginner blogger.

Although I plan to continue posting blogs at this address, I encourage all my subscribers to change their subscriptions to my new and improved web site/blog address: www.bransonpowers.com. If you go to that site and subscribe, I will manually remove you from this list so you only receive one e-mail per posting.

Why switch? The new site, which was created in WordPress, allows for a design that is easier on the eyes, and much more pleasant to follow. It should also be easier for readers to comment on what they read.

If you like what you see, please also feel free to tell your friends, colleagues and family members to sign up. I look forward to everyone's comments and feedback.


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